Below you will find more information about Red Valve and Tideflex products.
Click on the categories below to access the documents for a product.
For more detailed information, contact your local Red Valve Sales Representative.
Animations and Videos
Red Valve and Tideflex®Animations and Videos
- Red Valve: The World Leader in Pinch and Check Valve Technology
- The DeZURIK Difference
- Tideflex® Aeration Mixing Systems
- Goalpost Manifold and Bleed Valve for PressureSensors
- CheckMate UltraFlex® In-Line Check Valve
- Series 5200 Control Pinch Valve
- Series 5700 Control Pinch Valve
- Series D Knife Gate Valve
- Series DX Knife Gate Valve
- Tideflex® Series TF-1 Duckbill Check Valve
- Tideflex® Effluent Diffuser
- Tideflex® Mixing System (TMS)
- Type A Air-Operated Pinch Valve
Brochures and Handouts
Red Valve and Tideflex® Product Line Brochures
- Red Valve Condensed Catalog (pdf, 3 mb)
- Red Valve Line Card (pdf, 678 kb)®
Red Valve and Tideflex® Application Brochures
- Municipal Collection and Distribution Valve Selection Guide (pdf, 18.6 mb)
- Wastewater Treatment Valve Selection Guide (pdf, 19.7 mb)
- Red Valve Mining Industry Valve Solutions Guide (pdf, 1 mb)
- Power Industry Valve Selection Guide (pdf, 4 mb)
Red Valve Mining Application Handouts
- Red Valve Control Pinch Valves Manage Chemicals to Optimize Mining Operations (pdf, 882 kb)
- Enhancing Mining Equipment Efficiency with Red Valve Slurry Knife Gate Valves (pdf, 874 kb)
- Durable Valve Solutions for Abrasive Mine Tailings (pdf, 1 mb)
- Red Valve Control Pinch Valves Overcome Slurry Handling and Piping Challenges (pdf, 1 mb)
- Flotation Cells and Thickener Underflow (pdf, 658 kb)
Red Valve AIS Compliance
Red Valve BABA Compliance
Tideflex® NSF61 Listing
- NSF61 Official Listing (pdf, 27 kb)
Air Actuated Pinch Valves
PAV - Series 2600 Miniflex Air-Actuated Pinch Valve
- PAV - Series 2600 Miniflex Air-Actuated Pinch Valve Cut Sheet (pdf, 229 kb)
- Series 2600 Miniflex Air-Actuated Pinch Valve Specification (pdf, 25 kb)
- Series 2600 Miniflex Air-Actuated Pinch Valve IOM (pdf, 385 kb)
PAV - Series 4700 Lightweight Air-Actuated Pinch Valve
- PAV - Series 4700 Lightweight Air-Actuated Pinch Vave Cut Sheet (pdf, 261 kb)
- Series 4700 Lightweight Air-Actuated Pinch Valve Specification (pdf, 25 kb)
- Series 4700 Lightweight Air-Actuaed Pinch Valve Technical Data - Sleeve Replacement and Installation (pdf, 181 kb)
PAV - Type A Air-Actuated Pinch Valve
- PAV - Type A Air-Actuated Pinch Valve Cut Sheet (pdf, 483 kb)
- Type A Air-Actuated Pinch Vave Case Study - Mining Copper Slurry (pdf, 3 mb )
- Type A Air-Actuated Pinch Valve Specification (pdf, 24 kb)\
- Type A Air-Actuated Pinch Valve Specification - Cone Port (pdf, 25 kb )
- Type A Air-Actuated Pinch Valve Specification - Double Wall (pdf, 25 kb)
- Type A Air-Actuated Pinch Valve Specification - Reduced Port (pdf, 25 kb )
- Type A Air-Actuated Pinch Valve Technical Data - Diamond Seal Gasket (pdf, 81 kb)
- Type A Air-Actuated Pinch Valve Technical Data - Fail Safe Package (pdf, 56 kb)
- Type A Air-Actuated Pinch Valve Technical Data - Throttling (pdf, 55 kb)
- Type A Air-Actuated Pinch Valve IOM (pdf, 477 kb)
- Type A Air-Actuated Pinch Valve Application Data - Bulk Material - Rotary Air Lock (pdf, 194 kb)
- Type A Air-Actuated Pinch Valve Application Data - Chemical - Chemical Handling (pdf, 166 kb)
- Type A Air-Actuated Pinch Valve Application Data - Mining - Flotation Cells (pdf, 1 mb)
- Type A Air-Actuated Pinch Valve Application Data - Mining - Ore Digester (pdf, 78 kb)
- Type A Air-Actuated Pinch Valve Application Data - Mining - Quartz Powder (pdf, 81 kb)
- Type A Air-Actuated Pinch Valve Application Data - Power - Bottom Ash (pdf, 127 kb)
- Type A Air-Actuated Pinch Valve Application Data - Paper - Cyclone Discharge (pdf, 3 mb)
- Type A Air-Actuated Pinch Valve Application Data - Steel - Iron Ore Reduction (pdf, 87 kb)
PAV - Type A Megaflex Air-Operated Pinch Valve
- PAV - Type A Megaflex Air-Operated Pinch Valve Cut Sheet (pdf, 294 kb)
- Type A Megaflex Air-Operated Pinch Valve Case Study - Intake Pumps (pdf, 4 mb)
- Type A Megaflex Air-operated Pinch Valve Case Study - Stormwater Flow (pdf, 156 kb)
- Type A Megaflex Air-Operated Pinch Valve Case Study - Wastewater Treatment Plant (pdf, 3 mb)
- Type A Megaflex Air-Operated Pinch Valve Specification (pdf, 25 kb)
- Type A Megaflex Air-Operated Pinch Valve Specification - Buried Service (pdf, 27 kb)
- Type A Megaflex Air-Operated Pinch Valve IOM (pdf, 477 kb)
PRA - Type R All-Rubber Air-Operated Pinch Valve
- PRA - Type R All-Rubber Air-Operated Pinch Valve Cut Sheet (pdf, 337 kb)
- Type R All-Rubber Air-Operated Pinch Valve Specification (pdf, 24 kb)
- Type R All-Rubber Air-Operated Pinch Valve IOM (pdf, 381 kb)
CheckMate UltraFlex In-line Check Valve
CMU - CheckMate UltraFlex® In-Line Check Valves
- CheckMate UltraFlex®: the World's Most Reliable In-Line Check Valve Brochure (pdf, 1.8 mb)
- CheckMate UltraFlex® In-Line Check Valve Case Study - Odor Mitigation (pdf, 169 kb)
- CheckMate UltraFlex® In-Line Check Valve Case Study - Stormwater Flood Protection (pdf, 146 kb)
- CheckMate UltraFlex® In-Line Check Valve Case Study - Stormwater Backflow Prevention (pdf, 2 mb)
- CheckMate UltraFlex® In-Line Check Valve Specification (pdf, 29 kb)
- CheckMate UltraFlex® In-Line Check Valve IOM (pdf, 1.7 mb)
Control Pinch Valves
Control Pinch Valves
- Control Valve Sizing Brochure (pdf, 4 mb)
- Control Pinch Valves Brochure (pdf, 4 mb)
- Control Valve Design Data Form (pdf, 433 kb)
PCV - Series 5200 Pneumatic Actuated Control Valve
- PCV - Series 5200 Pneumatic Actuated Control Valve Cut Sheet (pdf, 271 kb)
- Series 5200 Pneumatic Actuated Conrol Valve Case Study - Fertilizer Slurry Flow Control (pdf, 347 kb)
- Series 5200 Pneumatic Actuated Control Valve Case Study - Sugar Cane Grinding Mill (pdf, 157 kb)
- Series 5200 Pneumatic Actuated Control Valve Specification (pdf, 49 kb)
- Series 5200 Pneumatic Actuated Control Valve Actuator Sizes (pdf, 53 kb)
- Series 5200 Pneumatic Actuated Control Valve IOM (pdf, 616 kb)
- Series 5200 Pneumatic Actuated Control Valve Technical Data - Manual Override Option (pdf, 60 kb)
- Series 5200 Pneumatic Actuated Control Valve Technical Data - Pneumatic Actuator (pdf, 75 kb)
- Series 5200 Pneumatic Actuated Control Valve Technical Data - Stroke Adjustment (pdf, 59 kb)
- Series 5200 Pneumatic Actuated Control Valve Application Data - Aluminum - TFO Flow Restrictor (pdf, 94 kb)
- Series 5200 Pneumatic Actuated Control Valve Application Data - Chemical - Latex (pdf, 36 kb)
- Series 5200 Pneumatic Actuated Control Valve Application Data - Chemical - Shear Sensitive Polymers (pdf, 54 kb)
- Series 5200 Pneumatic Actuated Control Valve Application Data - Epoxy - Temperature Control (pdf, 26 kb)
- Series 5200 Pneumatic Actuated Control Valve Application Data - Paper - Stormwater Runoff (pdf, 22 kb)
- Series 5200 Pneumatic Actuated Control Valve Application Data - Paper - Ph Control (pdf, 26 kb)
- Series 5200 Pneumatic Actuated Control Valve Application Data - Process - Evaporator Tanks (pdf, 23 kb)
- Series 5200 Pneumatic Actuated Control Valve Application Data - Process - Powder (pdf, 33 kb)
PCV - Series 5200 Diaphragm Actuated Control Pinch Valve
PCV - Series 5200 D-Port Control Pinch Valve
- PCV - Series 5200 D-Port Control Pinch Valve Cut Sheet (pdf, 242 kb)
- Series 5200 D-Port Control Pinch Valve Specification - Hydraulic (pdf, 17 kb)
- Series 5200 D-Port Control Pinch Valve Specification - Pneumatic (pdf, 21 kb)
- Series 5200 D-Port Control Pinch Valve Actuator Sizes (pdf, 53 kb)
- Series 5200 D-Port Control Pinch Valve IOM (pdf, 616 kb)
- Series 5200 D-Port Control Pinch Valve Technical Data - Manual Override Option (pdf, 60 kb)
- Series 5200 D-Port Control Pinch Valve Technical Data - Pneumatic Actuators (pdf, 75 kb)
- Series 5200D-Port Control Pinch Valve Technical Data - Stroke Adjustment (pdf, 59 kb)
- Series 5200 D-Port Control Pinch Valve Application Data - Petro Chemical - Clarifier (pdf, 22 kb)
- Series 5200 D-Port Control Pinch Valve Application Data - Power - Thickener Control (pdf, 33 kb)
- Series 5200 D-Port Control Pinch Valve Application Data - Municipal - Washwater (pdf, 26 kb)
PCV - Series 5200E Electric Actuated Control Pinch Valve
- PCV - Series 5200E Electric Actuated Control Pinch Valve Cut Sheet (pdf, 280 kb)
- Series 5200E Electric Actuated Control Pinch Valve Specification (pdf, 49 kb)
- Series 5200E Electric Actuated Control Pinch Valve IOM (pdf, 531 kb)
PCV - Series 5300 Open Frame Control Pinch Valve
- PCV - Series 5300 Open Frame Control Pinch Valve Cut Sheet (pdf, 289 kb)
- Series 5300 Open Frame Control Pinch Valve Specification (pdf, 51 kb)
- Series 5300 Open Frame Control Pinch Valve Specification - Pneumatic Actuator (pdf, 53 kb)
- Series 5300 Open Frame Control Pinch Valve Technical Data - Manual Override Option (pdf, 60 kb)
- Series 5300 Open Frame Control Pinch Valve Technical Data - Stroke Adjustment (pdf, 59 kb)
- Series 5300 Open Frame Control Pinch Valve Application Data - Chemical - Flourspar Conveyance (pdf, 26 kb)
PCV - Series 5400 Centerline Closure Control Pinch Valve
- PCV - Series 5400 Centerline Closure Control Pinch Valve Cut Sheet (pdf, 256 kb)
- Series 5400 Centerline Closure Control Pinch Valve Case Study - Stormwater Force Main (pdf, 291 kb)
- Series 5400 Centerline Closure Control Pinch Valve Specification - Electric (pdf, 51 kb)
- Series 5400 Centerline Closure Control Pinch Valve Specification - Pneumatic (pdf, 53 kb)
- Series 5400 Centerline Closure Control Pinch Valve with Bevel Gear Actuator IOM (pdf, 748 kb)
- Series 5400 Centerline Closure Control Pinch Valve with Electric Actuator IOM (pdf, 763 kb)
- Series 5400 Centerline Closure Control Pinch Valve with Pneumatic Actuator IOM (pdf, 1 mb)
- Series 5400 Centerline Closure Control Pinch Valve Technical Data - Manual Override Option (pdf, 60 kb)
- Series 5400 Centerline Closure Control Pinch Valve Technical Data - Stroke Adjustment (pdf, 59 kb)
- Series 5400 Centerline Closure Control Pinch Valve Application Data - Carbon - Manganate Eductor Water (pdf, 31 kb)
- Series 5400 Centerline Closure Control Pinch Valve Application Data - Chemical - Drilling Mud Slurry (pdf, 46 kb)
- Series 5400 Centerline Closure Control Pinch Valve Application Data - Influent Flow Control (pdf, 57 kb)
- Series 5400 Centerline Closure Control Pinch Valve Application Data - Mining - Slurry Control (pdf, 24 kb)
- Series 5400 Centerline Closure Control Pinch Valve Application Data - Oilfield - Cement Mixing (pdf, 27 kb)
- Series 5400 Centerline Closure Control Pinch Valve Application Data - Textiles - Wool Washing (pdf, 33 kb)
- Series 5400 Centerline Closure Control Pinch Valve Application Data - Water Treatment - Washwater Discharge (pdf, 25 kb)
PCV -Series 5700 Centerline Closure Control Pinch Valve
- PCV - Series 5700 Centerline Closure Control Pinch Valve Cut Sheet (pdf, 271 kb)
- Series 5700E Centerline Closure Control Pinch Valve IOM (pdf, 739 kb)
PVM - Series 5800 Electric Actutated Control Pinch Valve
- PVM - Series 5800 Electric Actuated Control Pinch Valve Cut Sheet (pdf, 380 kb)
- Series 5800 Electric Actuated Control Pinch Valve IOM (pdf, 1 mb)
PCV - Series 9000 High Pressure Control Pinch Valve
- PCV - Series 9000 High Pressure Control Pinch Valve Cut Sheet (pdf, 225 kb)
- Series 9000 High Pressure Control Valve Specification (pdf, 53 kb)
- Series 9000 High Pressure Control Pinch Valve IOM (pdf, 896 kb)
- Series 9000E High Pressure Control Pinch Valve IOM (pdf, 620 kb)
PCV - Series RSR Pressure Relief Control Pinch Valve
- PCV - Series RSR Pressure Relief Control Pinch Valve Cut Sheet (pdf, 218 kb)
- Series RSR Pressure Relief Control Pinch Valve Specification (pdf, 50 kb)
- Series RSR Pressure Relief Control Pinch Valve IOM (pdf, 1 mb)
Control Pinch Valve Accessories
- Control Pinch Valve Accessories Cut Sheet (pdf, 489 kb)
Control Pinch Valve Actuators
- Control Pinch Valve Actuators Cut Sheet (pdf, 288 kb)
Control Pinch Valve Positioners
- Control Pinch Valve Positioners Cut Sheet (pdf, 304 kb)
- V100E Control Pinch Valve Positioners Cut Sheet (pdf, 284 kb)
Free Flow Collar for Bulk Solids Fluidization
- Free Flow Collar for Bulk Solids Fluidization Cut Sheet (pdf, 382 kb)
Control Pinch Valve Sleeves
Control Pinch Valve Sleeves
- Control Pinch Valve Sleeve Designs Cut Sheet (pdf, 432 kb)
- Elastomer Characteristics (pdf, 219 kb)
Knife Gate Valves
Knife Gate Valves
- Knife Gate Valves Brochure (pdf, 7 mb)
KFD - Series D Flexgate Knife Gate Valve
- KFD - Series D Flexgate Manual Knife Gate Valve Cut Sheet (pdf, 252 kb)
- KFD - Series D Flexgate Actuated Knife Gate Valve Cut Sheet (pdf, 268 kb)
- Series D Flexgate Knife Gate Valve Cylinder Specification - (pdf, 53 kb)
- Series D Flexgate Knife Gate Valve Electric Specification (pdf, 50 kb)
- Series D Flexgate Manual Knife Gate Valve Specification (pdf, 59 kb)
- Series D Flexgate Knife Gate Valve IOM (pdf, 476 kb)
- Series D Flexgate Knife Gate Valve Application Data - Chemical - Carbon Black (pdf, 41 kb)
- Series D Flexgate Knife Gate Valve Application Data - Power - Cooling Water (pdf, 47 kb)
- Series D Flexgate Knife Gate Valve Application Data - Power - Pyrite Ash (pdf, 43 kb)
KDX - Series DX Slurry Knife Gate Valve
- KDX - Series DX Slurry Knife Gate Valve Cut Sheet (pdf, 311 kb)
- Series DX Knife Slurry Gate Valve IOM (pdf, 550 kb)
- Series DX Slurry Knife Gate Valve Technical Data - Lockout/Tagout (pdf, 293 kb)
Manual Pinch Valves
Manual Pinch Valves
- Torque Requirements to Close Manual Valves (pdf, 174 kb)
PVM - Series 70 Manual Pinch Valve
- PVM - Series 70 Open Frame Manual Pinch Valve Cut Sheet (pdf, 241 kb)
- Series 70 Open Frame Manual Pinch Valve Specification (pdf, 53 kb) Series 70 IOM (pdf, 648 kb)
- Series 70 Open Frame Manual Pinch Valve Technical Data - Installation Procedures (pdf, 55 kb)
- Series 70 Open Frame Manual Pinch Valve Technical Data - Positive Opening Tabs (pdf, 54 kb)
PVM - Series 75 Manual Pinch Valve
- PVM - Series 75 Manual Pinch Valve Cut Sheet (pdf, 274 kb)
- Series 75 Manual Pinch Valve Specification (pdf, 24 kb)
- Series 75 Manual Pinch Valve IOM (pdf, 378 kb)
- Series 75 Manual Pinch Valve Technical Data - Installation Procedures (pdf, 55 kb)
- Series 75 Manual Pinch Valve Technical Data - Positive Opening Tabs (pdf, 54 kb)
- Series 75 Manual Pinch Valve Application Data - Chemical - Chemical Handling (pdf, 94 kb)
- Series 75 Manual Pinch Valve Application Data - Power - Scrubber System (pdf, 26 kb)
PVM - Series 75B Underground Service Manual Pinch Valve
- PVM - Series 75B Underground Service Manual Pinch Valve Cut Sheet (pdf, 187 kb)
- Series 75B Underground Service Manual Pinch Valve Specification (pdf, 25 kb)
- Series 75B Underground Service Manual Pinch Valve Technical Data - Installation Procedures (pdf, 55 kb)
- Series 75B Underground Service Mnual Pinch Valve Technical Data - Positive Opening Tabs (pdf, 54 kb)
- Series 75B Underground Service Manual Pinch Valve Application Data - Chemical - Raw Sewage (pdf, 47 kb)
PCV - Series 9000 High Pressure Manual Pinch Valve
- PCV - Series 9000 High Pressure Manual Pinch Valve Cut Sheet (pdf, 351 kb)
- Series 9000 High Pressure Manual Pinch Valve Specification (pdf, 51 kb)
- Series 9000 High Pressure Manual Pinch Valve IOM (pdf, 896 kb)
- Series 9000 High Pressure Manual Pinch Valve Technical Data - Installation Procedures (pdf, 55 kb)
- Series 9000 High Pressure Manual Pinch Valve Technical Data - Positive Opening Tabs (pdf, 54 kb)
PCV - Series 52H Large Diameter Manual Pinch Valve
Pressure Sensors
Pressure Sensors
- Pressure Sensors Brochure (pdf, 2mb)
SPS - Series 40 Pressure Sensor
- SPS - Series 40 Pressure Sensor Cut Sheet (pdf, 210 kb)
- Series 40 Pressure Sensor Specification (pdf, 48 kb)
- Series 40 Pressure Sensor IOM (pdf, 523 kb)
- Series 40 Pressure Sensor Technical Data - Filling Procedure (pdf, 84 kb)
- Series 40 Pressure Sensor Technical Data - Sensor Fill Volumes (pdf, 98 kb)
- Series 40 Pressure Sensor Application Data - Chemical - Synthetic Polymers (pdf, 26 kb)
SPS - Series 40W Pressure Sensor
- SPS - Series 40W Pressure Sensor Cut Sheet (pdf, 365 kb)
- Series 40W Pressure Sensor Specification (pdf, 48 kb)
- Series 40W Pressure Sensor IOM (pdf, 530 kb)
SPS - Series 42 Pressure Sensor & Series 742 Diaphragm Seal
- SPS - Series 42 Pressure Sensor & Series 742 Diaphragm Seal Cut Sheet (pdf, 689 kb)
- Series 42 Pressure Sensor Specification (pdf, 50 kb)
- Series 742 Diaphragm Seal Specification - Threaded End (pdf, 48 kb)
- Series 42 Pressure Sensor IOM (pdf, 523 kb)
- Series 42 Pressure Sensor Technical Data - Filling Procedure (pdf, 84 kb)
- Series 42 Pressure Sensor Technical Data - Sensor Fill Volumes (pdf, 98 kb)
SPS - Series 48 Pressure Sensor
- SPS - Series 48 Pressure Sensor Cut Sheet (pdf, 304 kb)
- Series 48 Pressure Sensor Specification (pdf, 48 kb)
- Series 48 Pressure Sensor IOM (pdf, 523 kb)
- Series 48 Pressure Sensor Technical Data - Filling Procedure (pdf, 84 kb)
SPS - Series 48W Pressure Sensor
- SPS - Series 48W Pressure Sensor Cut Sheet (pdf, 375 kb)
- Series 48W Pressure Sensor Specification (pdf, 48 kb)
- Series 48W Pressure Sensor IOM (pdf, 373 kb)
Pressure Sensor Accessories
- Goalpost Manifold and Bleed Valve (pdf, 946 kb)
- Digital Pressure Sensor (pdf, 467 kb)
- Quick Disconnect (pdf, 829 kb)
Redflex Expansion Joints
Redflex Expansion Joints, Rubber Elbows and Rubber Pipe
- Redflex Expansion Joints and Rubber Fabricated Products Brochure (pdf, 2 mb)
- Redflex Expansion Joints IOM (pdf, 514 kb)
JRE - Redflex J-1 Expansion Joint & JRE - Redflex J-1W Wide Arch Expansion Joint
- JRE - Redflex J-1 Expansion Joint Cut Sheet (pdf, 4mb)
- JRE - Redflex J-1W Wide Arch Expansion Joint Cut Sheet (pdf, 39 kb)
- JRE - Redflex J-1 Expansion Joint Case Study - Cooling Water Lines (pdf, 378 kb)
- JRE - Redflex J-1 Expansion Joint Application Data - Aluminum - Bauxite Separation (pdf, 29 kb)
- JRE Redflex J-1 Expansion Joint Application Data - Sewage - Storage Tanks (pdf, 48 kb)
JCC - Redflex J-10 Concentric Reducing Expansion Joint, With Arches & JCC - Redflex R-4 Concentric Reducing Expansion Joint, No Arches
- JCC - Redflex J-10 Concentric Reducing Expansion Joint Cut Sheet (pdf, 61 kb)
- JCC - Redlex R-4 Concentric Reducing Expansion Joint Cut Sheet (pdf, 51 kb)
- JCC - Redflex J-10 Concentric Reducing Expansion Joint Specification (pdf, 206 kb)
- JCC - Redflex R-4 Concentric Reducing Expansion Joint Specification (pdf, 7 kb)
- JCC - Redflex Concentric Reducing Expansion Joint Application Data - Power - Scrubber System (pdf, 26 kb)
JEC - Redflex J-11 Eccentric Reducing Expansion Joint, With Arches & JCC - Redflex R-5 Eccentric Reducing Expansion Joint, With Arches
- JEC - Redflex J-11 Eccentric Reducing Expansion Joint Cut Sheet (pdf, 62 kb)
- Jcc - Redfle R-5 Eccentric Reducing Expansion Joint Cut Sheet (pdf, 51 kb)
- JEC - Redflex J-11 Eccentric Reducing Expansion Joint Specification (pdf, 54 kb)
- JCC - Redfle R-5 Eccentric Reducing Expansion Joint Specification (pdf, 7 kb)
Reflex Rubber Elbows & Fittings
- Redflex Rubber Elbows & Fittings Cut Sheet (pdf, 2 mb)
VPR - Redflex P-5 Standard Rubber Pipe & VPR - Redflex B-1 Abrasion Resistant Rubber Pipe
- VPR - Redflex P-5 Standard Rubber Pipe & VPR - Redflex B-1 Abrasion Resistant Rubber Pipe Cut Sheet (pdf, 49 kb)
- VPR - Redflex B-1 Abrasion Resistant Rubber Pipe Specification (pdf, 53 kb)
- VPR - Redflex P-5 Stadard Rubber Pipe Specification (pdf, 51 kb)
- VPR - Redflex Rubber Pipe Application Data - Sewage - Storage Tanks (pdf, 48 kb)
JRE - Redflex SL-50 Expansion Joint & JRE - Redflex SL-33 Triple Arch Expansion Joint
Tideflex Aeration Mixing Systems
Tideflex® Aeration Mixing Systems
- Tideflex® Aeration Mixing Systems Brochure (pdf, 1 mb)
- Tideflex® Multiport Mixing Systems Brochure (pdf, 3 mb)
- Coarse Bubble Mixing and O2 Systems Design Data Form (pdf, 584 kb)
Application Areas and Installation References
- Coarse Bubble Aeration Mixing Systems (Product Sheet) (pdf, 306 kb)
- Abington, PA (Installation Reference) (pdf, 651 kb)
- Channel Mixing and Removable Assemblies (Product Sheet) (pdf, 313 kb)
- Waterloo, Ontario (Installation Reference) (pdf, 2.8 mb)
- Aerated Grit Tank Mixing Systems (Product Sheet) (pdf, 515 kb)
- Nassau County, NY (Installation Reference) (pdf, 657 kb)
- Stormwater Containment and Treatment Systems (Product Sheet) (pdf, 492 kb)
- Stewart Air Base, NY (Installation Reference) (pdf, 486 kb)
- Moving Media Aeration Mixing Systems (Product Sheet) (pdf, 154 kb)
- Mining Facility, Quebec, Canada (Installation Reference) (pdf, 610 kb)
- Wetwell Aeration Mixing Systems (Product Sheet) (pdf, 289 kb)
- Reinbeck, IA (Installation Reference) (pdf, 337 kb)
- Alum Sludge Aeration Mixing System (Product Sheet) (pdf, 224 kb)
- Ville de Levis, Quebec, Canada (Installation Reference) (pdf, 318 kb)
- Process Tank Mixing and Plant Air Systems (Product Sheet) (pdf, 359 kb)
- North Clear Creek, CO (Installation Reference) (pdf, 370 kb)
- SBR Aeration Mixing Systems (Product Sheet) (pdf, 224 kb)
- Norfolk Southern, OH (Installation Reference) (pdf, 614 kb)
- High Volume Reinforced Diffusers and Spargers (Product Sheet) pdf, 377 kb)
- Nevada Energy, NV (Installation Reference) (pdf, 557 kb)
- Combination Aeration Systems (Product Sheet) (pdf, 94 kb)
- Teton Village, WY (Installation Reference) (pdf, 480 kb)
- Fine Bubble Aeration Systems (Product Sheet) (pdf, 86 kb)
- Fine Bubble Assemblies Details (Reference Detail) (pdf, 348 kb)
Tideflex Check Valves
CIL - Tideflex® Series 2633 In-Line Check Valve
- CIL - Tideflex® Series 2633 In-Line Check Valve Cut Sheet (pdf, 241 kb)
- Tideflex® Series 2633 In-Line Check Valve IOM (pdf, 637 kb)
CIL - Tideflex® Series 37 In-Line Flanged Check Valve
- CIL - Tideflex® Series 37 In-Line Flanged Check Valve Cut Sheet (pdf, 241 kb)
- Tideflex® Series 37 In-Line Flanged Check Valve IOM (pdf, 677 kb)
CIL - Tideflex® Series 37G In-Line Check Valve
- CIL - Tideflex® Series 37G In-Line Check Valve Cut Sheet (pdf, 402 kb)
- Tideflex® Series 37G In-Line Check Valve IOM (pdf, 577 kb)
CIL - Tideflex® Series 33 and Series 39 In-Line Check Valve
- CIL - Tideflex® Series 33 and Series 39 In-Line Check Valve Cut Sheet (pdf, 447 kb)
- Tideflex® Series 39 In-Line Check Valve IOM (pdf, 466 kb)
CIL - Tideflex® Series 39F In-Line Check Valve
- CIL - Tideflex® Series 39F In-Line Check Valve Cut Sheet (pdf, 415 kb)
- Tideflex® Series 39F In-Line Check Valve IOM (pdf, 1 mb)
CTF - Tideflex® Series TF-1 Duckbill Check Valve
- The Tideflex® Duckbill Check Valve Advantage: Ahead of the Curve! (pdf, 3 mb)
- CTF - Tideflex® Series TF-1 Duckbill Check Valve Cut Sheet (pdf, 292 kb)
- Tideflex® Series TF-1 Duckbill Check Valve IOM (pdf, 781 kb)
CTF -Tideflex® Series TF-2 Duckbill Check Valve
- CTF -Tideflex® Series TF-2 Duckbill Check Valve Cut Sheet (pdf, 299 kb)
- CTF - Tidefex® Molded Series TF-2 Duckbill Check Valve Cut Sheet (pdf, 235 kb)
- Tidelex® Series TF-2 Duckbill Check Valve IOM (pdf, 781 kb)
CTF - Tideflex® Series 35 Flanged Duckbill Check Valve
- CTF - Tideflex® Series 35 Flanged Duckbill Check Valve Cut Sheet (pdf, 321 kb)
- Tideflex® Series 35 Flanged Duckbill Check Valve IOM (pdf, 433 kb)
- Tideflex® Series 35 Flanged Duckbill Check Valve with Saddle Support IOM (pdf, 903 kb)
CTF - Tideflex® Series 35-1 Flanged Duckbill Check Valve
- CTF - Tideflex® Series 35-1 Flanged Duckbill Check Valve Cut Sheet (pdf, 253 kb)
- Tideflex® Series 35-1 Flanged Duckbill Check Valve IOM (pdf, 433 kb)
- Tideflex® Series 35-1 Flanged Duckbill Check Valve with Saddle Support IOM (pdf, 903 kb)
CWF - Tideflex® Waterflex Check Valve
- CWF - Tideflex® Waterflex WF-2 Check Valve Cut Sheet (pdf, 1 mb)
- CWF - Tideflex® Waterflex WF-3 Check Valve Cut Sheet (pdf, 1 mb)
- Tideflex® Waterflex WF-3 Check Valve IOM (pdf, 1 mb)
Tideflex Effluent Diffuser Systems
Tideflex® Effluent Diffuser Systems
- Tideflex® Diffuser Nozzles for Multiport Effluent Outfalls Brochure (pdf, 752 kbb)
- Tideflex® Multiport Mixing Sytems Brochure (pdf, 3 mb)
- Tideflex® Effluent Diffuser Systems Design Data Form (pdf, 692 kb)
- Duckbill Knowledge Base for Inland and Marine Outfall Diffuser Designs and Modelers (pdf, 552 kb)
- Series 35D Diffuser Nozzle IOM (pdf, 680 kb)
- Series 35W Diffuser Nozzle IOM (pdf, 459 kb)
- Series TFD Diffuser Nozzle IOM (pdf, 597 kb)
- Effluent Diffuser Application Data - Powder - Solids Mixing (pdf, 789 kb)
Tideflex Hydraulic Recirculation and Mixing Systems
Tideflex® Hydraulic Recirculation and Mixing Systems
- Tideflex® Hydraulic Recirculation and Mixing Systems Brochure (pdf, 638 kb)
- Tideflex® Multiport Mixing Sytems Brochure (pdf, 3 mb)
- Hydraulic Recirculation and Mixing Systems Design Data Form (pdf, 421 kb)
Application Areas and Installation References
- Hydraulic Recirculation and Mixing Systems (Product Sheet) (pdf, 352 kb)
- Boulder, CO (Installation Reference) (pdf, 723 kb)
- Halifax, NS, Canada (Installation Reference) (pdf, 09 kb)
- Brampton, ON, Canada (Installation Reference) (pdf, 527 kb)
- Cleveland, OH (Installation Reference) (pdf, 469 kb)
- Lagoon Dispersion Systems (Product Sheet) (pdf, 368 kb)
Tideflex Potable Water Mixing Systems TMS
Tideflex® Mixing System (TMS)
- Tideflex® Mixing System (TMS) Brochure (pdf, 941 kb)
- Tideflex® Multiport Mixing Sytems Brochure (pdf, 3 mb)
- Tideflex® Mixing System (TMS) for Potable Water Storage Tanks Improves Water Quality by Complete Mixing Cut Sheet (pdf, 1 mb)
- Tideflex® Dechlorinating Overflow Security Assembly (DOSA) - Innovative System for Water Tank Overflow and Drain Pipes Cut Sheet (pdf, 2 mb)
- Tideflex® Mixing System (TMS) Improves Water Quality While Mitigating Ice Formation Cut Sheet (pdf, 1 mb)
- Tideflex® Mixing System (TMS) Overflow Protection Solutions Cut Sheet (pdf, 700 kb)
- Tideflex® Mixing System (TMS) Pass Active Mixing Cut Sheet (pdf, 1 mb)
- Tideflex® Mixing System (TMS) Design Data Sheet (pdf, 1 mb)