Tideflex Check Valves Protecting Wetlands in Escambia County


The Bayou Marcus Water Reclamation Facility in Escambia County, FL, is an eight mgd addition to the existing Avondale Wastewater Treatment Plant.  The facility discharges directly to the adjacent Bayou Marcus Wetlands. The purposes of the facility are to address the ever-growing population demands of Escambia County, FL, and to restore natural hydration to the dying wetlands.


Escambia County Utilities Authority worked with Black & Veatch to design a Multi-Port Diffuser System. A Tideflex® Effluent Diffuser Valve was placed at the end of each discharge port to evenly distribute the reclaimed water over the soft wetlands, which are highly susceptible to erosion


The Tideflex® Effluent Diffusers featured a variable-orifice design that caused the water to discharge in a flattened, plume-shaped spray, protecting the wetlands from erosion.  Tideflex® Effluent Diffusers also provided absolute backflow prevention, and backpressure from rising water on the discharge side seals the Effluent Diffuser, keeping discharged water from flowing back into the pipes.  Based on the success of this installation, similar wetlands protection projects involving Tideflex® Effluent Diffusers are now in the works at the Pace Wetlands and at the wetlands adjacent to West Palm Beach.

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